1 Where is my God? does he retire
Beyond the reach of humble sighs?
Are these weak breathings of desire,
Too languid to ascend the skies?

2 No, Lord, the breathings of desire,
The weak petition, if sincere,
Are not forbidden to aspire,
But reach to thy all-gracious ear.

3 Look up, my soul, with cheerful eye,
See where the great redeemer stands,
The glorious advocate on high,
With precious incense in his hands.

4 He sweetens every humble groan,
He recommends each broken prayer;
Recline thy hope on him alone,
Whose pow’r and love forbid despair.

5 Teach my weak heart, O gracious Lord,
With stronger faith to call thee mine;
Bid me pronounce the blissful word,
My Father, God, with joy divine.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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