1 Providence, profusely kind,
Wheresoe’er you turn your eyes,
Bids you with a grateful mind
View a thousand blessings rise.

2 Thankful own what you enjoy:
But a changing world like this,
Where a thousand fears annoy,
Cannot give you perfect bliss.

3 Perfect bliss resides above,
Far above yon azure sky;
Bliss, that merits all your love,
Merits ev’ry anxious sigh.

4 What like this has earth to give?
O ye righteous! in your breast
Let the admonition live,
Nor on earth desire to rest.

5 When your bosom heaves a sigh,
Or your eye emits a tear,
Let your wishes rise on high,
Ardent rise to bliss sincere.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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