1 And now my Soul, another Year
Of thy short Life is past;
I cannot long continue here,
And this may be my last.

2 Much of my dubious Life is gone,
Nor will return again;
And swift my passing Moments run,
And few that yet remain.

3 Awake, my soul, with utmost Care
Thy true Condition learn;
What are thy Hopes, how sure, how fair,
And what thy great Concern!

4 Now a new Scene of Time begins,
Set out afresh for Heav’n;
Seek pardon for thy former Sins,
In Christ so freely giv’n.

5 Devoutly yield thyself to God,
And on his Grace depend;
With Zeal pursue the heav’nly Road,
Nor doubt a happy End.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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