1 Thou lovely Source of true delight,
Whom I unseen adore!
Unveil Thy beauties to my sight,
That I may love Thee more.

2 Thy glory o’er creation shines;
But in Thy sacred word,
I read in fairer, brighter lines,
My bleeding, dying Lord.

3 ’Tis here, whene’er my comforts droop,
And sins and sorrows rise,
Thy love, with cheerful beams of hope
My fainting heart supplies.

4 Jesus! my Lord, my Life, my Light,
Oh, come with blissful ray;
Break radiant through the shades of night,
And chase my fears away.

5 Then shall my soul with rapture trace
The wonders of Thy love;
But the full glories of Thy face
Are only known above.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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