Though terrors late alarm’d my breast,
And rais’d a threatening tempest there,
Yet, Lord, my passions own thy hand,
The storm subsides at thy command,
And now my calmer thoughts attest
Thy well-try’d love, thy long experienc’d care.

Faith, scarce discern’d a glimpse of light,
Hope languish’d with dejected eye,
Reason, (weak empress of the mind)
To passion had the helm consign’d,
Loud was the storm and dark the night,
But thy supporting, guardin hand was nigh.

Almighty Saviour, gracious Lord,
Thou only refuge of my soul,
Thy sovereign voice when I can hear,
I gain new strength to combat fear,
Hope rests on thy unchanging word,
Thy word can every rising fear controul.

Hence, guilty diffidence be gone,
With all thy train of boding fears;
Let faith and calm expectance wait,
And cheerful hope, with eye sedate,
Look up and watch the smiling dawn
That through the sable veil of night appears.

That smiling dawn derives its ray
From the full source of light divine;
O sun of righteousness, impart
Thy healing radiance to my heart!
Increasing till celestial day
Dispel the gloom, and joy unclouded shine.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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