1 When death appears before my sight
In all his dire array,
Unequal to the dreadful sight,
My courage dies away.
2 But see my glorious Leader nigh!
My Lord, my Savior lives:
Before him death’s pale terrors fly,
And my faint heart revives.
3 he left his dazzling throne above,
He met the tyrant’s dart,
And (O amazing power of love!)
Received it in his heart.
4 No more, O grim destroyer, boast
Thy universal sway;
To heaven-born souls thy sting is lost,
Thy night is turned to day.
5 Lord, I commit my soul to thee,
Accept the sacred trust,
Receive this nobler part of me,
And watch my sleeping dust:
6 ‘Till that illustrious morning come,
when all thy saints shall rise,
And, clothed in full immortal bloom,
Attend thee to the skies.
- ‘Tis Wisdom, Mercy, Love Divine
- Alas what hourly dangers rise
- Alas! my heart where is thy absent God
- All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
- Almighty author of my frame
- Almighty Father, gracious Lord
- Almighty maker of my frame
- Almighty Sov’reign, gracious Lord
- Amid the splendors of thy state
- And can my heart aspire so high
- And did the Holy and the Just
- And is the gospel peace and love?
- And now my soul, another year
- And will the Lord thus condescend
- Angels From the Realms of Glory
- Another day is past, The hours forever fled
- As the poor hart, tir’d in the chase
- Awake, awake the sacred song
- Awake, my soul, nor slumbering lie
- Awake, my soul! Awake, my tongue!
- Before thy throne, O God of grace
- Beyond this gloomy night
- Blest be the Lord, my strength, my shield
- Can I bid thee, lovely stranger
- Come praise the Lord, ye tuneful bands
- Come tune, ye saints, your noblest strains
- Come weary souls! with sin distressed
- Come, Holy Ghost, inspire our songs
- Come, let our souls adore the Lord
- Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart
- Come, thou desire of all thy saints
- Come, ye that love the Savior’s name
- Could all the powers of eloquence divine
- Dear center of my best soul’s desires
- Dear Lord, and shall thy Spirit rest
- Dear Lord, what heav’nly wonders dwell
- Death, ’tis a name with terror fraught
- Deep are the wounds which sin has made
- Engaging argument! here let me rest
- Enslaved by sin and bound in chains
- Eternal power, almighty God
- Eternal source of every joy
- Eternal Source of joys divine
- Eternity is just at hand
- Extensive promise! O what hopes divine
- Faith leads to joys beyond the sky
- Far From These Narrow Scenes Of Night
- Father Of Men, Thy Care We Bless
- Father Of Mercies, In Thy Word
- Father, whate’er of earthly bliss
- Father, Whate’er Of Earthly Bliss
- From the dark borders of despair
- Glory to God, Who Reigns Above
- Great God, Inspire Each Heart And Tongue
- Great God, This Sacred Day Of Thine
- Great God, to Thee my evening song, With humble gratitude I raise
- Great is Our Guilt, Our Fears Are Great
- Great King of kings, Eternal God
- Great Ruler Of The Earth And Skies
- Great Source Of Boundless Power And Grace
- Happy the Man of Heavenly Birth
- Happy the men whom strength divine
- Happy the soul whose wishes climb
- He lives, the great Redeemer lives
- Hear, O my God, with pity hear
- Hence, vain, intruding world, depart
- How are thy servants blest, O Lord
- How Blest Are They, How Truly Wise
- How Blest The Minds Which Daily Rise
- How Changed The Face Of Nature Shows
- How helpless guilty nature lies
- How long shall earth’s alluring toys
- How long wilt thou, O God of grace
- How long, forgetful of thy heavenly birth
- How lovely, how divinely sweet
- How oft, alas! this wretched heart
- How pleasing is the scene, how sweet
- How sweet, how languid is th’immortal mind!
- How vain a thought is bliss below
- I love the Lord, his gracious ear
- In vain I search creation o’er
- In vain my roving thoughts would find
- In vain the erring world inquires
- In vain the world’s alluring smile
- In Vain Would Boasting Reason Find
- In vain, while dark affliction spreads
- Indulgent father, ever gracious God
- Indulgent still to my request
- Is this a theme of mirth? who can rejoice
- Jesus and didst thou leave the sky
- Jesus demands this heart of mine
- Jesus, in thy transporting name
- Jesus, my Lord, in Thy Dear name unite
- Jesus, the spring of joys divine
- Jesus, what shall I do to show
- Laden with guilt, sinners, arise
- Let fame the shining annals spread
- Life Is a Journey, Heav’n My Home
- Life Is A Span, A Fleeting Hour
- Long has divine compassion strove
- Lord of my life to thee my powers belong
- Lord of My Life, O May Thy Praise
- Lord of The Earth, and Sea, and Skies
- Lord, hear thy servant’s humble pray’r
- Lord, How My Numerous Foes Increase
- Lord, how Mysterious are thy Ways!
- Lord, how shall wretched sinners dare
- Lord, In Thy Great, Thy Glorious Name
- Lord, Let Thy Mercy, Full and Free
- Lord, We Adore Thy Boundless Grace
- Lord, When My Thoughts Delighted Rove
- Lord, When Our Raptured Thought Surveys
- Lord, While My Thoughts With Wonder Trace
- Low At Thy Gracious Feet I Bend
- My God, ’tis to Thy mercy seat
- My God, my Father, Blissful Name
- My God, My hope, If thou Art Mine
- My God, My King, To Thee I’ll Raise
- My God, The Visits Of Thy Face
- My God, to Thee I call
- My God, What Blessings Round Me Shone
- My God, Whene’er My Longing Heart
- My Great Preserver, To Thy Gracious Hand
- My Maker and My King!
- My Soul No More Shall Strive In Vain
- Now Faintly Smile Day’s Hasty Hours
- Now I Resolve With All My Heart
- Now Let Us Raise Our Cheerful Strains
- Now To Thy Heavenly Father’s Praise
- O Blessed Comforter, Draw Nigh
- O Blest Religion, Heavenly Fair
- O Could Our Thoughts And Wishes Fly
- O could our Thoughts and Wishes Fly
- O Could We Read Our Int’rest Here
- O Dearer To My Thankful Heart
- O For A Sweet, Inspiring Ray
- O For The Animating Fire
- O God, My Sun, Thy Blissful Rays
- O Gracious God, In Whom I Live
- O Happiness, Thou Pleasing Dream
- O kind Adversity, Thou friend to truth
- O kind Adversity, Thou Friend To Truth
- O Lord My Life, My Savior, God
- O Lord, How Glorious is Thy name
- O Lord, My Strength, My Righteousness
- O sent by heav’n, to teach the Saviour’s praise
- O That The Lord would Hear My Cry
- O Thou Whose Mercy Hears
- O Thou whose Tender Mercy Hears
- O Thou, to Whose All-Searching Sight
- O’erwhelmed with restless griefs and fears
- Oft have I said, with inward sighs
- Peace, My Complaining, Doubting Heart
- Permit me, Lord, to seek Thy face
- Praise ye the Lord, let praise employ
- Praise ye the Lord, O blissful theme
- Preserved by Thine Almighty Arm
- Providence profusely kind
- Recall, My Heart, That Dreadful Hour
- Sad Pris’ners In A House Of Clay
- Should Famine O’er The Mourning Field
- Should Nature’s Charms To Please The Eye
- So Fades The Lovely, Blooming Flower
- Stern Winter Throws His Icy Chains
- Stretched On The Cross The Savior Dies
- Sure I Must Love The Savior’s Name
- Sure The Blest Comforter Is Nigh
- That Awful Hour Will Soon Appear
- The Cares Of Mortal Life, How Vain!
- The Christian’s noblest resolution
- The Day Of Praise Is Done
- The God Of My Salvation Lives
- The Lord Forgets His Wonted Grace
- The Lord, My Savior, Is My Light
- The Lord, my Shepherd and my Guide
- The Lord, The God Of Glory Reigns
- The Loving Kindness Of The Lord, Delightful Theme
- The Pains That Wait Our Fleeting Breath
- The Rising Morn The Closing Day
- The Saints May Rest Within The Tomb
- The Savior Calls, Let Every Ear
- The Savior, O what Endless Charms
- The Sun of Righteousness
- The Traveller Lost In Night
- The Wondering Nations Have Beheld
- Thee, Dearest Lord, My Soul Adores
- Thee, Lord, My Thankful Soul Would Bless
- There Is A Glorious World On High
- There Is A God, All Nature Speaks
- Those Happy Realms Of Joy and Peace
- Thou Lovely Source Of True Delight
- Thou Only Sovereign Of My Heart
- Though Nature’s Voice You Must Obey
- Though Terrors Late Alarm’d My Breast
- To God, I Rais’d My Earnest Cries
- To God, The Refuge Of His Saints
- To Jesus Our Exalted Lord, Dear Name By Heaven And Earth Adored
- To Jesus, Our Victorious Lord
- To Our Redeemer’s Glorious Name
- To Thee, Almighty God, We Bring
- To Thee, My God, My heart Shall Bring
- To your Creator, God
- True Happiness
- Vain World, Be Gone, Nor Vex My Heart
- Vexatious World, Thy Flatt’ring Snares
- Was It For Sin, For Mortal Guilt
- Weary Of These Low Scenes Of Night
- When Blooming Youth Is Snatched Away
- When Fainting In The Sultry Waste
- When Fancy Spreads Her Boldest Wings
- When Filled With Grief, My Anxious Heart
- When Gloomy Thoughts And Fears
- When I Resolv’d To Watch My Thoughts
- When I survey life’s varied scene
- When I Survey Life’s Varied Scene
- When Israel Through The Desert Passed
- When Present Sufferings Pain Our Hearts
- When Sin And Sorrow, Fear And Pain
- When Sins And Fears Prevailing Rise
- When Verdure Clothes The Fertile Vale
- Whene’er The Angry Passions Rise
- Where Babel’s Rivers Winding Stray
- Where Is My God? Does He Retire
- Where Shall I Fly But To Thy Feet
- While My Redeemer’s Near
- While To The Grave Our Friends Are Borne
- Why Breathes My Anxious Heart The Frequent Sigh?
- Why Do The Heathen Nations Rise
- Why is my heart with grief oppressed
- Why Is The Heaven-Descended Mind
- Why Should My Pining Spirit Be
- Why Should My Spirit Cleave To Earth
- Why Sinks My Weak Desponding Mind
- Ye Earthly Vanities, Depart
- Ye Gay Deceivers Of The Mind
- Ye Glittering Toys Of Earth, Adieu
- Ye Humble Souls Complain No More
- Ye Humble Souls, Approach Your God
- Ye Mourning Sinners, Here Disclose
- Ye Warblers Of The Vernal Shade
- Ye Wretched Sons Of Men Draw Near
- Ye Wretched, Hungry, Starving Poor
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