I. To thee, my God, my heart shall bring
The lively grateful song;
Attending kings shall hear me sing,
With rapture on my tongue.

II. Before thy throne with prostrate joy,
I will adore thy name;
Thy praise shall be my blest employ,
Thy love and truth my theme.

III. Amid the glories of thy name,
Thy truth exalted shines;
A faithful God thy words proclaim
In everlasting lines.

IV. When in the day of deep distress,
To thee, my God, I cry’d,
With strength divine thy pow’rful grace
My fainting soul supply’d.

V. The monarchs of the earth shall hear,
And join my sacred lays;
Thy glorious name with joy revere,
And sing thy wond’rous praise.

VI. Th’eternal God looks kindly down,
And smiles on humble souls;
But from afar his piercing frown
The sons of pride controuls.

VII. What tho’ around my painful way
Continual trouble grows;
Thy saving hand shall be my stay,
And crush my wrathful foes.

VIII. Thou, Lord, wilt all my hopes fulfill,
To thee the work belongs;
Let endless mercy guide me still,
And tune my grateful songs.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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