Celestial content, inexhaustible treasure!
The man that enjoys thee requires no addition;
In thee he possesses wealth, honour, and pleasure;
O happy condition!
With pity he looks on the many, pursuing
The trifles of earth with such eager attention,
And straining, in chase of their utter undoing,
(Tho’ distant) unfolding.
On inviolate truth while his hopes are depending,
Nor terrors affright, nor afflictions depress him;
Assur’d, tho’ to death’s gloomy mansions fast tending
His God will still bless him.
Releas’d from the sorrows of time his glad spirit
Shall leave its weak partner, and joyfully soaring,
The promis’d possession begin to inherit;
With angels adoring.
He knows that his body, the grave now detaining,
In Jesus’ bright image hereafter arising,
Shall surely rejoin him, no sorrow remaining,
Corruption despising.
Then with heaven’s fair armies in triumph ascending
Partake of delights ever new and abounding;
Enraptur’d before the bright throne lowly bending
Salvation resounding.
- ‘Tis Wisdom, Mercy, Love Divine
- Alas what hourly dangers rise
- Alas! my heart where is thy absent God
- All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
- Almighty author of my frame
- Almighty Father, gracious Lord
- Almighty maker of my frame
- Almighty Sov’reign, gracious Lord
- Amid the splendors of thy state
- And can my heart aspire so high
- And did the Holy and the Just
- And is the gospel peace and love?
- And now my soul, another year
- And will the Lord thus condescend
- Angels From the Realms of Glory
- Another day is past, The hours forever fled
- As the poor hart, tir’d in the chase
- Awake, awake the sacred song
- Awake, my soul, nor slumbering lie
- Awake, my soul! Awake, my tongue!
- Before thy throne, O God of grace
- Beyond this gloomy night
- Blest be the Lord, my strength, my shield
- Can I bid thee, lovely stranger
- Come praise the Lord, ye tuneful bands
- Come tune, ye saints, your noblest strains
- Come weary souls! with sin distressed
- Come, Holy Ghost, inspire our songs
- Come, let our souls adore the Lord
- Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart
- Come, thou desire of all thy saints
- Come, ye that love the Savior’s name
- Could all the powers of eloquence divine
- Dear center of my best soul’s desires
- Dear Lord, and shall thy Spirit rest
- Dear Lord, what heav’nly wonders dwell
- Death, ’tis a name with terror fraught
- Deep are the wounds which sin has made
- Engaging argument! here let me rest
- Enslaved by sin and bound in chains
- Eternal power, almighty God
- Eternal source of every joy
- Eternal Source of joys divine
- Eternity is just at hand
- Extensive promise! O what hopes divine
- Faith leads to joys beyond the sky
- Far From These Narrow Scenes Of Night
- Father Of Men, Thy Care We Bless
- Father Of Mercies, In Thy Word
- Father, whate’er of earthly bliss
- Father, Whate’er Of Earthly Bliss
- From the dark borders of despair
- Glory to God, Who Reigns Above
- Great God, Inspire Each Heart And Tongue
- Great God, This Sacred Day Of Thine
- Great God, to Thee my evening song, With humble gratitude I raise
- Great is Our Guilt, Our Fears Are Great
- Great King of kings, Eternal God
- Great Ruler Of The Earth And Skies
- Great Source Of Boundless Power And Grace
- Happy the Man of Heavenly Birth
- Happy the men whom strength divine
- Happy the soul whose wishes climb
- He lives, the great Redeemer lives
- Hear, O my God, with pity hear
- Hence, vain, intruding world, depart
- How are thy servants blest, O Lord
- How Blest Are They, How Truly Wise
- How Blest The Minds Which Daily Rise
- How Changed The Face Of Nature Shows
- How helpless guilty nature lies
- How long shall earth’s alluring toys
- How long wilt thou, O God of grace
- How long, forgetful of thy heavenly birth
- How lovely, how divinely sweet
- How oft, alas! this wretched heart
- How pleasing is the scene, how sweet
- How sweet, how languid is th’immortal mind!
- How vain a thought is bliss below
- I love the Lord, his gracious ear
- In vain I search creation o’er
- In vain my roving thoughts would find
- In vain the erring world inquires
- In vain the world’s alluring smile
- In Vain Would Boasting Reason Find
- In vain, while dark affliction spreads
- Indulgent father, ever gracious God
- Indulgent still to my request
- Is this a theme of mirth? who can rejoice
- Jesus and didst thou leave the sky
- Jesus demands this heart of mine
- Jesus, in thy transporting name
- Jesus, my Lord, in Thy Dear name unite
- Jesus, the spring of joys divine
- Jesus, what shall I do to show
- Laden with guilt, sinners, arise
- Let fame the shining annals spread
- Life Is a Journey, Heav’n My Home
- Life Is A Span, A Fleeting Hour
- Long has divine compassion strove
- Lord of my life to thee my powers belong
- Lord of My Life, O May Thy Praise
- Lord of The Earth, and Sea, and Skies
- Lord, hear thy servant’s humble pray’r
- Lord, How My Numerous Foes Increase
- Lord, how Mysterious are thy Ways!
- Lord, how shall wretched sinners dare
- Lord, In Thy Great, Thy Glorious Name
- Lord, Let Thy Mercy, Full and Free
- Lord, We Adore Thy Boundless Grace
- Lord, When My Thoughts Delighted Rove
- Lord, When Our Raptured Thought Surveys
- Lord, While My Thoughts With Wonder Trace
- Low At Thy Gracious Feet I Bend
- My God, ’tis to Thy mercy seat
- My God, my Father, Blissful Name
- My God, My hope, If thou Art Mine
- My God, My King, To Thee I’ll Raise
- My God, The Visits Of Thy Face
- My God, to Thee I call
- My God, What Blessings Round Me Shone
- My God, Whene’er My Longing Heart
- My Great Preserver, To Thy Gracious Hand
- My Maker and My King!
- My Soul No More Shall Strive In Vain
- Now Faintly Smile Day’s Hasty Hours
- Now I Resolve With All My Heart
- Now Let Us Raise Our Cheerful Strains
- Now To Thy Heavenly Father’s Praise
- O Blessed Comforter, Draw Nigh
- O Blest Religion, Heavenly Fair
- O Could Our Thoughts And Wishes Fly
- O could our Thoughts and Wishes Fly
- O Could We Read Our Int’rest Here
- O Dearer To My Thankful Heart
- O For A Sweet, Inspiring Ray
- O For The Animating Fire
- O God, My Sun, Thy Blissful Rays
- O Gracious God, In Whom I Live
- O Happiness, Thou Pleasing Dream
- O kind Adversity, Thou friend to truth
- O kind Adversity, Thou Friend To Truth
- O Lord My Life, My Savior, God
- O Lord, How Glorious is Thy name
- O Lord, My Strength, My Righteousness
- O sent by heav’n, to teach the Saviour’s praise
- O That The Lord would Hear My Cry
- O Thou Whose Mercy Hears
- O Thou whose Tender Mercy Hears
- O Thou, to Whose All-Searching Sight
- O’erwhelmed with restless griefs and fears
- Oft have I said, with inward sighs
- Peace, My Complaining, Doubting Heart
- Permit me, Lord, to seek Thy face
- Praise ye the Lord, let praise employ
- Praise ye the Lord, O blissful theme
- Preserved by Thine Almighty Arm
- Providence profusely kind
- Recall, My Heart, That Dreadful Hour
- Sad Pris’ners In A House Of Clay
- Should Famine O’er The Mourning Field
- Should Nature’s Charms To Please The Eye
- So Fades The Lovely, Blooming Flower
- Stern Winter Throws His Icy Chains
- Stretched On The Cross The Savior Dies
- Sure I Must Love The Savior’s Name
- Sure The Blest Comforter Is Nigh
- That Awful Hour Will Soon Appear
- The Cares Of Mortal Life, How Vain!
- The Christian’s noblest resolution
- The Day Of Praise Is Done
- The God Of My Salvation Lives
- The Lord Forgets His Wonted Grace
- The Lord, My Savior, Is My Light
- The Lord, my Shepherd and my Guide
- The Lord, The God Of Glory Reigns
- The Loving Kindness Of The Lord, Delightful Theme
- The Pains That Wait Our Fleeting Breath
- The Rising Morn The Closing Day
- The Saints May Rest Within The Tomb
- The Savior Calls, Let Every Ear
- The Savior, O what Endless Charms
- The Sun of Righteousness
- The Traveller Lost In Night
- The Wondering Nations Have Beheld
- Thee, Dearest Lord, My Soul Adores
- Thee, Lord, My Thankful Soul Would Bless
- There Is A Glorious World On High
- There Is A God, All Nature Speaks
- Those Happy Realms Of Joy and Peace
- Thou Lovely Source Of True Delight
- Thou Only Sovereign Of My Heart
- Though Nature’s Voice You Must Obey
- Though Terrors Late Alarm’d My Breast
- To God, I Rais’d My Earnest Cries
- To God, The Refuge Of His Saints
- To Jesus Our Exalted Lord, Dear Name By Heaven And Earth Adored
- To Jesus, Our Victorious Lord
- To Our Redeemer’s Glorious Name
- To Thee, Almighty God, We Bring
- To Thee, My God, My heart Shall Bring
- To your Creator, God
- Vain World, Be Gone, Nor Vex My Heart
- Vexatious World, Thy Flatt’ring Snares
- Was It For Sin, For Mortal Guilt
- Weary Of These Low Scenes Of Night
- When Blooming Youth Is Snatched Away
- When Death Appears Before My Sight
- When Fainting In The Sultry Waste
- When Fancy Spreads Her Boldest Wings
- When Filled With Grief, My Anxious Heart
- When Gloomy Thoughts And Fears
- When I Resolv’d To Watch My Thoughts
- When I survey life’s varied scene
- When I Survey Life’s Varied Scene
- When Israel Through The Desert Passed
- When Present Sufferings Pain Our Hearts
- When Sin And Sorrow, Fear And Pain
- When Sins And Fears Prevailing Rise
- When Verdure Clothes The Fertile Vale
- Whene’er The Angry Passions Rise
- Where Babel’s Rivers Winding Stray
- Where Is My God? Does He Retire
- Where Shall I Fly But To Thy Feet
- While My Redeemer’s Near
- While To The Grave Our Friends Are Borne
- Why Breathes My Anxious Heart The Frequent Sigh?
- Why Do The Heathen Nations Rise
- Why is my heart with grief oppressed
- Why Is The Heaven-Descended Mind
- Why Should My Pining Spirit Be
- Why Should My Spirit Cleave To Earth
- Why Sinks My Weak Desponding Mind
- Ye Earthly Vanities, Depart
- Ye Gay Deceivers Of The Mind
- Ye Glittering Toys Of Earth, Adieu
- Ye Humble Souls Complain No More
- Ye Humble Souls, Approach Your God
- Ye Mourning Sinners, Here Disclose
- Ye Warblers Of The Vernal Shade
- Ye Wretched Sons Of Men Draw Near
- Ye Wretched, Hungry, Starving Poor
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