I. Sad pris’ners in a house of clay,
With sins, and griefs, and pains opprest,
We groan the ling’ring hours away,
And wish, and long to be releast.

II. Nor is it liberty alone,
Which prompts our restless ardent sighs;
For immortality we groan,
For robes and mansions in the skies.

III. Eternal mansions! bright array!
O blest exchange! transporting thought!
Free from th’approaches of decay,
Or the least shadow of a spot!

IV. There shall mortality no more
Its wide extended empire boast,
Forgotten all its dreadful pow’r,
In life’s unbounded ocean lost.

V. Bright world of bliss! O could I see
One shining glimpse, one chearful ray.
(Fair dawn of immortality!)
Break thro’ these tott’ring walls of clay.

VI. Jesus, in thy dear name I trust,
My light, my life, my Saviour God;
When this frail house dissolves in dust,
O raise me to thy bright abode.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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