I. The Lord forgets his wonted grace,
Afflicted Zion said;
My God withdraws his smiling face,
Withdraws his heav’nly aid.

II. Shall the kind mother’s gentle breast
No soft emotion share;
But, ev’ry tender thought supprest,
Forget her infant care?

III. The helpless child, that oft her eyes
Have watch’d with anxious thought,
While her fond breast appeas’d his cries—
And can he be forgot?

IV. Strange as it is, yet this may be,
For creature-love is frail;
But thy Creator’s love to thee,
O Zion, cannot fail.

V. No, thy dear name engraven stands,
In characters of love,
On thy almighty Father’s hands;
And never shall remove.

VI. Before his ever-watchful eye
Thy mournful state appears,
And ev’ry groan, and ev’ry sigh
Divine compassion hears.

VII. These anxious doubts indulge no more,
Be ev’ry fear supprest;
Unchanging truth, and love, and pow’r,
Command thy cares to rest.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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