1 The rising morn, the closing day,
Repeat thy praise with grateful voice;
Both in their turns thy pow’r display,
And, laden with thy gifts, rejoice.

2 Earth’s wide-extended, varying scenes,
All smiling round, thy bounty show.
From seas or clouds, full magazines,
Thy rich diffusive blessings flow.

3 Now earth receives the precious seed,
Which thy indulgent hand prepares;
And nourishes the future bread,
And answers all the sower’s cares.

4 Thy sweet refreshing show’rs attend
And through the ridges gently flow,
Soft on the springing corn descend;
And thy kind blessing makes it grow.

5 Thy goodness crowns the circling year;
Thy paths drop fatness all around;
Ev’n barren wilds thy praise declare,
And echoing hills return the sound.

6 Here, spreading flocks adorn the plain;
There plenty ev’ry charm displays.
Thy bounty clothes each lovely scene;
And joyful nature shouts thy praise.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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