Praise thou the Lord, O my soul, now praise Him,
His praise continue until death;
While I the pathways of earth am treading
God shall be praised with every breath.
My soul and body He did give,
And waits my praise from morn till eve.
O praise the Lord, O praise the Lord!

Happy, yea, happy are they forever,
Whose help the God of Jacob is,
Who hath created the earth and heaven,
The sea and all that therein is.
Let all the world His praises sing,
Who life and health to all doth bring.
O praise the Lord, O praise the Lord!

If there are any who are oppressèd,
He worketh justice in the tide;
Food for the hungry, forlorn, distressed,
The Lord in season doth provide;
Those bound in chains He maketh free,
His lovingkindness they shall see,
O praise the Lord, O praise the Lord!

Praise, O ye people, the Name most glorious
Of Him Who reigns Almighty King.
Let all unite in one holy chorus
To God our hymns of joy to bring.
O Zion, with the heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
O praise the Lord, O praise the Lord!

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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