1 Daily, daily sing the praises
Of the City God hath made;
In the beauteous fields of Eden
Its foundation stones are laid:
O that I might hear the angels
Singing o’er the crystal sea,
And amidst the fields of Eden
Find a home prepared for me!

2 All the walls of that dear City
Are of bright and burnished gold;
It is matchless in its beauty,
And its treasures are untold.
O that I might, etc.

3 There are sounds of many voices
In the golden streets above,
Filling all the air with gladness,
Blended in eternal love.
O that I might, etc.

4 In those quiet resting places,
Midst the pastures green and fair,
Jesus gathers in the homeless,
And He dwells among them there.
O that I might, etc.

5 Can we see the happy faces
Of the dear ones gone before?
They are ready now to greet us
When we gain that blessed shore.
O that I might, etc.

6 Then the pearly gates, unfolding,
Never shall be closed again,
We shall see within the City
Jesus, ‘mid His white-robed train.
O that I might, etc.

7 O I would my ears were open
Here to catch that happy strain!
O I would my eyes some vision
Of that Eden could attain!
O that I might, etc.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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