1 Finished is the battle now,
Gloriously crowned the victor’s brow!
Hence with sadness, sing with gladness:
Alleluya, alleluya!

2 After the death that him befell,
Jesus Christ has harrowed hell!
Songs of praising we are raising:
Alleluya, alleluya!

3 On the third morning he arose,
Shining with victory o’er his foes;
Earth is singing, heaven is ringing:
Alleluya, alleluya!

4 Jesus has closed hell’s brazen door,
Heaven is open evermore!
Our adoring praise outpouring:
Alleluya, alleluya!

5 Lord, by thy wounds we call on thee
So from ill death to set us free,
That our living be thanksgiving:
Alleluya, alleluya!

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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