1 Gone to the grave is our loved one,
Gone thro’ the night of gloom;
Lowly we bend over our friend
Now borne away to the tomb.

They are going down the valley,
The deep, dark valley;
We’ll see their faces never more,
Till we pass down the valley,
The dark, death valley,
And meet them on the other shore.

2 Oft we have mingled together,
Sometimes with prayer and song;
Now when we meet, this one we greet
Never again in our throng.

3 Sweetly the from will be sleeping
Under the cypress shade;
Sad though we be, fondly will we
Cherish the name of the dead.

4 Down in the valley they’re going,
Down to the other shore;
But with the blest, ever at rest,
Weeping will come never more.

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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