1. Chain’d by sin in cruel bondage,
Groaning with our bitter need,
Drooping ‘neath our guilty burden,
Lord, Thy promises we plead.

I, Jehovah, will redeem you,
For my name and covenant’s sake,
From your burdens I’ll release you,
All your fetters I will break,
And I will take you for a people;
Your Redeemer I will be,
And with an outstretch’d arm I’ll rescue
Ev’ry soul that trusts in me.

2. Oh, the wondrous, wondrous mercy,
When Jehovah, Lord of all,
Bending from the glorious heaven,
Answereth our feeble call. [Chorus]

3. Oh, the blessed, blessed promise;
Not one tittle e’er shall fail,
Tho’ the earth should burn to ashes,
And the suns and stars grow pale. [Chorus]

Added by

Blessy Christlin


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